Numer produktu: 50945
GTIN/EAN: 4250390868872
65,17 €
Über 30 lieferbar.
Natychmiast dostępny, czas dostawy 2 - 3 days(1)
• SunSun Eco 3 in 1 Pond Pump CUF-2500
• Pond Filter Pump 1000 l/h 28 Watt
• Fountain Pump incl. 3 Kind of Fountain Heads
• Integrated UV-Unit with 9 w UVc-Bulb
• 3 Filter Stages incl. Filter Materials
• Bio Balls, Filter Sponge & Gravel
• max. Delivery Height of the Pond Pump 1.6 m
Informacje dot. produktu "SunSun CUF-2500 filtr 3 w 1, 2500 l, fontanna 28 W i 9 W"
The integrated pond pump ensures a continiuos and reliable water circulation. The accessories, which are included in the delivery content, make a usage as pond- and fountain pump possible.
In addition, a filter sponge and 3 filter stages provide an optimal biological cleaning of the pond water.
Filter media like fleece, floss or sponges are essential in modern aquaristics.
Coarse dirt particles are absorbed by means of filter floss, sponges reduce the nitrate, clean the water of chemical impurities and provide ideal conditions for the settlement of filter bacteria.
Bio balls are used in aquaristics as mechanical and biological filter mediat. These balls offer bacteria a large area for their accumulation and are considered to be high performance filter media for powerful filter systems. In contrast to other filter media, bio balls have a virtually unlimited life-span which makes them a popular and cheap filter medium for pond filter systems, trickle filters and chamber filters.
A built-in 9 watt UV clarifier is also part of this compact system.
The purified water can be fed back to the pond via the supplied fountain or a hose.
Due to the UVC-radiation of the PL-lamp harmful bacteria and germs are destroyed and algae formation remains under control. The UVC-clarifier provides clear pond water within 14 days.
UVC-pond clarifiers irradiate the water in a flow-through reactor with UV rays. Our UVC clarifiers modify the tertiary and the quaternary structure of the algae proteins. The algae agglutinate to large particles and ca be easily removed by means of mechanical filtering.
The life span of the UVC-light source varies between 7.000 and 10.000 operating hours. We recommend changing the light source and cleaning the quartz glass of the UV-lamp at the start of the season, when the water temperature of your pond rises.
The water circulates through the two inlets of the UVC-clarifier and in the process all impurities like algae, bacteria or parasites are reduced. The more this circuit is maintained the more effective is the germ reduction. If there is a reason for assuming a high bacteria level and all your other possibilities have been exhausted then the long-term use of a UVC-clarifier for reducing the bacterial count is highly recommended. UV lamps clarify the water in the pond.
Occasionally you can hear the argument a UVC-clarifier is unnatural. Although this is right in principle, the statement is not convincing as a counter-argument, because from this point of view every filter or the whole aquarium is "unnatural". Fish kept with a clarifier are said to grow soft and fall ill immediately after being put into other water. Firstly, that is not true, and secondly it could also be argued that a biological filter is harmful and a relatively high nitrite content would contribute to the fish's strengthening. Quite the opposite.
The flowing water is purged of harmful bacteria and germs. The reduction of germs has no negative effect on the aquarium's microclimate because bacteria settle themselves on stones, the filtration surface and in the whole aquarium system for reducing pollutants and they can reproduce themselves. The UV-lamp can maintain the total microbial content of the aquarium water in near -natural proportions.
Streaming / Fountain / Filter Pump :< /b>
Koi pond / Fish pond:
• 1 cycle per 3 hours
• 2 circulations in 1 hour (without plantings and with large fish population)
Regarding a pond without fish, there is less circulation necessary. One circulation in a day can be taken as a guideline in order to enrich the pond water with oxygen and to keep the water in constant mouvement.
Swim pond:
In this case the circulation cycle is highly dependent on the planting and the individual claim.
The upper limit is to be made at 1 x in 2-3 hours, the lower limit at “no circulation”.
Cleaning of the pond pumps:
In order to ensure a proper function of the pond pumps it is indispensable to clean them regularly.
SunSun CUF-2500 Pond Pump
with a flow rate of 1000 l/h at 28 watts consumption is a real multi talent. The pond pump offers everything that is needed to keep you pond clean.The integrated pond pump ensures a continiuos and reliable water circulation. The accessories, which are included in the delivery content, make a usage as pond- and fountain pump possible.
In addition, a filter sponge and 3 filter stages provide an optimal biological cleaning of the pond water.
Filter Media:
Filter Floss - Filter Fleece
Filter media like fleece, floss or sponges are essential in modern aquaristics.
Coarse dirt particles are absorbed by means of filter floss, sponges reduce the nitrate, clean the water of chemical impurities and provide ideal conditions for the settlement of filter bacteria.
Bio Balls
Bio balls are used in aquaristics as mechanical and biological filter mediat. These balls offer bacteria a large area for their accumulation and are considered to be high performance filter media for powerful filter systems. In contrast to other filter media, bio balls have a virtually unlimited life-span which makes them a popular and cheap filter medium for pond filter systems, trickle filters and chamber filters.
A built-in 9 watt UV clarifier is also part of this compact system.
The purified water can be fed back to the pond via the supplied fountain or a hose.
Why choosing this system?
Due to the UVC-radiation of the PL-lamp harmful bacteria and germs are destroyed and algae formation remains under control. The UVC-clarifier provides clear pond water within 14 days.
UVC-pond clarifiers irradiate the water in a flow-through reactor with UV rays. Our UVC clarifiers modify the tertiary and the quaternary structure of the algae proteins. The algae agglutinate to large particles and ca be easily removed by means of mechanical filtering.
The life span of the UVC-light source varies between 7.000 and 10.000 operating hours. We recommend changing the light source and cleaning the quartz glass of the UV-lamp at the start of the season, when the water temperature of your pond rises.
The water circulates through the two inlets of the UVC-clarifier and in the process all impurities like algae, bacteria or parasites are reduced. The more this circuit is maintained the more effective is the germ reduction. If there is a reason for assuming a high bacteria level and all your other possibilities have been exhausted then the long-term use of a UVC-clarifier for reducing the bacterial count is highly recommended. UV lamps clarify the water in the pond.
Occasionally you can hear the argument a UVC-clarifier is unnatural. Although this is right in principle, the statement is not convincing as a counter-argument, because from this point of view every filter or the whole aquarium is "unnatural". Fish kept with a clarifier are said to grow soft and fall ill immediately after being put into other water. Firstly, that is not true, and secondly it could also be argued that a biological filter is harmful and a relatively high nitrite content would contribute to the fish's strengthening. Quite the opposite.
The flowing water is purged of harmful bacteria and germs. The reduction of germs has no negative effect on the aquarium's microclimate because bacteria settle themselves on stones, the filtration surface and in the whole aquarium system for reducing pollutants and they can reproduce themselves. The UV-lamp can maintain the total microbial content of the aquarium water in near -natural proportions.
Streaming / Fountain / Filter Pump :< /b>
The capacity of the pond pump must be necessarily adjusted to the size of the pond filter. Any oversized flow rate will result in an overflow of the pond filter which is to be prevented at all costs. Moreover, you should take into account the pond´s circulation cycle as well as the period of time of the pond water in the pond filter.
According to the type of usage, the ideal circulation cycle depends on different factors: the fish population, aquatic plants, the quantity of sunlight or the desired water clarity. It goes without saying that, as the case may be, there are further components of the filter circuit that are to be coordinated, if necessary.
These values are only intended as reference values:
Koi pond / Fish pond:
• 1 cycle per 3 hours
• 2 circulations in 1 hour (without plantings and with large fish population)
Garden pond/Plant pond:
Regarding a pond without fish, there is less circulation necessary. One circulation in a day can be taken as a guideline in order to enrich the pond water with oxygen and to keep the water in constant mouvement.
Swim pond:
In this case the circulation cycle is highly dependent on the planting and the individual claim.
The upper limit is to be made at 1 x in 2-3 hours, the lower limit at “no circulation”.
Cleaning of the pond pumps:
In order to ensure a proper function of the pond pumps it is indispensable to clean them regularly.
Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa
Uwagi ogólne
Przed pierwszym użytkiem należy przeczytać i przestrzegać instrukcji obsługi i instrukcji bezpieczeństwa.
To urządzenie nie jest przeznaczone do użytku przez osoby o ograniczonych zdolnościach fizycznych, psychicznych lub sensorycznych (w tym dzieci) lub nieposiadające wiedzy o urządzeniu, chyba że będą one nadzorowane lub zostaną poinstruowane w zakresie korzystania z urządzenia przez osobę odpowiedzialną za ich bezpieczeństwo.
Dzieci powinny być nadzorowane, aby upewnić się, że nie bawią się urządzeniem.
Niebezpieczeństwo porażenia prądem
Nigdy nie należy podnosić, transportować ani mocować urządzenia za kabel zasilający.
Przed uruchomieniem należy upewnić się, że napięcie sieciowe odpowiada napięciu znamionowemu podanemu na tabliczce znamionowej.
Jeśli kabel lub wtyczka są uszkodzone z powodu czynników zewnętrznych, nie wolno ich naprawiać! Kabel należy wymienić na nowy.
Należy upewnić się, że wtyczki elektryczne znajdują się w miejscu zabezpieczonym przed zalaniem lub wilgocią.
Urządzenie nie nadaje się do użytku w basenach, brodzikach wszelkiego rodzaju i innych zbiornikach wodnych, w których podczas pracy mogą przebywać ludzie. Używanie urządzenia, gdy w strefie zagrożenia znajdują się ludzie, jest niedozwolone.
Zasilanie systemu filtrującego (obwód używanego gniazdka) musi być wyposażone w wyłącznik różnicowoprądowy (RCD) o znamionowym prądzie różnicowym nie większym niż 30 mA. Gniazdo, do którego podłączony jest kabel, powinno być chronione osłoną odporną na warunki atmosferyczne i znajdować się w odległości co najmniej 2 metrów od stawu ogrodowego.
Ryzyko uszkodzenia oczu i skóry
Promieniowanie UV-C generowane przez specjalne lampy jest niebezpieczne. Bezpośredni kontakt z oczami lub skórą może prowadzić do urazów. Nigdy nie patrz bezpośrednio w światło UV-C.
WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
- Wilhelm-Lexis-Str. 8
- 52249 Eschweiler
- DE
Eigenschaften "SunSun CUF-2500 filtr 3 w 1, 2500 l, fontanna 28 W i 9 W"
Długość kabla (m): | 10 Meter |
Główny materiał: | ABS, ASA, PP, PC |
Kolor: | czarny |
Leistungsaufnahme: | 28 W |
Napięcie sieciowe/częstotliwość (V~/Hz): | 220–240 V / 50 Hz |
Przekrój kabla (mm²): | 3 x 0,75 mm² |
Rodzaj kabla: | H05RN-F |
Rodzaj produktu: | pompa do fontanny |
Stopień ochrony (IP): | IPX8 |
Wymagana bateria: | Nie |
Zasilanie wejściowe: | 28 Watt |
max. Förderhöhe: | 1.6 m |